Magnetic Polarity Inversion Line Detection and Analysis Tool#

Magnetic polarity inversion lines (MPILs) detected from solar active regions with features engineered from them are recognized as one of the essential keys for predicting the characteristics of explosive and eruptive instabilities such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME). We have built a software framework that can detect MPILs from the line-of-sight (LoS) or the radial component of the magnetic field vector in solar active region magnetogram patches. As part of our efforts, we applied this detection method on magnetogram patches obtained from HMI Active Region Patches (HARP) data product.

We shared our tool in the notebook and present the inner works of our detection functions as well as visualization for the MPIL detection technique over an eruptive active regions from Solar Cycle 24. We also provided a step by step implementation of our module and visualization that demonstrate each process. Additionally, we create a video visualization tool for showing the time evolution characteristics of MPILs. The tools and code implemented in the notebook have been developed with user defined thresholds that allow easy modification for analysis.

Use the following link to access the notebook in Binder:
