EarthCube 2022 Notebooks#

The NSF EarthCube program was created to advance cyberinfrastructure and technological practices in support of Geoscience research. A key aspect of that has long been a challenge with the sharing, reuse, and reproducibility of software and tools developed by the community. Towards this the EarthCube office (ECO) in conjunction with the Leadership Council (LC) and Technical Architecture Committee (TAC) piloted the notion of soliciting peer reviewed notebooks as scholarly objects to be published as part of the EarthCube annual meeting. Submitted notebooks would highlight a tool (i.e. software, service, library, dataset, standard), explaining and demonstrating interactively how the tool may be used to address a significant problem in geoscience. Submissions are then peer reviewed in terms of their impact on geoscience research and overall usability by reviewers from the geoscience and cyberinfrastructure communities. The accepted notebooks can be found here as part of this JupyterBook serving as the 2022 EarthCube Annual Meeting proceedings.

Notebook Organizing Committee:#

  • Lisa Tauxe (UCSD) - Chair

  • Donata Giglio (University of Colorado)

  • Daniel S. Katz (University of Illinois)

  • Kenton McHenry (University of Illinois)

  • Jessica Scheick (U of New Hampshire)

  • Lynne Schreiber (UCSD)

  • Hugh Shanahan (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Notebook Reviewers:#

  • Shay Carter (UCAR)

  • Julien Chastang (UCAR)

  • Christopher Havlin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

  • Cory Jones (Texas A&M University)

  • Zhiyu Li (U of Illinois)

  • Rupert Minnett (Oregon State University)

  • Chris Olson (USCD)

  • David Shumway (University of Illinois Chicago)

  • Charles Stern (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)

  • Wen-wen Tung (Purdue University)

  • Bidhyananda Yadav (Ohio State University)

  • Whyjay Zheng (University of California Berkeley)