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Intro to Argovis’ API#

Authors: William Mills, Donata Giglio, Megan Scanderbeg, Tyler Tucker



This notebook is for submission to the EarthCube 2022 Annual Meeting.

The Argovis project ( is upgrading its API, with a new design that better supports expressive, targeted search across multiple data sources, including Argo floats, GO-SHIP profiles, and more. This new API is intended to enable co-location studies across datasets and efficiently scoped download of exactly the data researchers need. The purpose of this notebook is to illustrate some of the key features of this API as it is being developed; please note that this API is still under development and will evolve further before full release (including access to other datasets), and that helper functions here are examples only and will be superseded by a python library in future. Please send comments, feedback and feature requests to the team at